As official, sanctioned trails go, Demo Forest probably offers the best mountain biking in the Bay Area. From the carvey, swoopy thrills of Flow Trail, to the all-mountain jank of Braille, to the underrated funtastic romp that is Ridge Trail, Demo brings variety, fun and giddeyup. It also brings the burn—though eminently enjoyable, riding Demo requires some modicum of cycling fitness and technical riding ability. While there will be a multitude of options to extend rides and add laps, the minimum “one-lapper” nets approximately 2,500 to 3,000 feet of climbing, and all of our rides will begin and conclude with some continuous climbing.

We’re planing on one main ride each day, but that doesn’t preclude you from amending or going for another loop if you choose. There are even rumors of some attendees going for all-day training epics, which is great. The poison is yours for the picking (or not).


Though any kind of mountain bike south of a downhill rig will do, we recommend an all-around, dual-suspension trail bike. You can certainly ride an XC bike, or heck, if you really hate yourself, a hardtail singlespeed, but most of us will be going for that mid-travel fun zone.

Aside from a bike, don’t forget the essentials—helmet, glasses (clear lenses work best), shoes and water conveyance. Consider a pack for tools, flat repair stuff, snacks and first aid supplies. Most of us wear light knee/shin armor on the downhills as well.


We will be posting more detailed ride descriptions in the coming weeks to give the unfamiliar some context. For now, check these MTB Project links for some details and descriptions (which should be taken with a grain of salt):