The cost to attend Excitebike is $70 per person. We know there are lots of places you can camp and ride for free, but we hope you see the value in the shared experience we’re trying to create. As we alluded to on the intro page, this is not a commercial enterprise for us, and all the fees charged go directly towards offsetting the facility rental fees and required insurance. For the sake of transparency, Camp Loma charges us $23 per camper per night, with a $1,000 per night minimum. We also bought a late checkout on Sunday (+$250) and event insurance (~$350). With an anticipated attendance of 40-50 people, we should be right around the break-even point. If by some chance we have a budget surplus, we will donate the money to the Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship who do a great job of both maintaining the trails at Demo and getting new trails built in the area.


You likely got the link to this site because you’re within a couple of degrees of Chris and Don. And as we said above, friends and friends-of-friends are welcome and encouraged so long as they’re down with the vibe and aren’t entitled jerkfaces. We’ve already had a couple of inquiries about partners/friends who don’t mountain bike, and about kids and dogs as well…here’s the breakdown:

NON-RIDING ADULTS. Partners/friends/etc. who don’t mountain bike are totally welcome so long as they’re willing to entertain themselves when the majority of the crew is out riding for what will be at least half the day. To that end, there are the on-site camp amenities mentioned on the CAMPING page, and if they have access to a vehicle, a trip to wineries along the summit (careful that road is twisty), or a day trip to Santa Cruz are doable options. We can also help with road and gravel ride suggestions from camp if that’s something they’re interested in. Because the fees we get charged are for the camp facilities, the per-person rate applies to non-riding guests as well.

KIDS. While we love your spawn, Excitebike is not really an environment for kids. Consider giving grandma the amazing Mother’s Day gift of babysitting them for the weekend! If you have an infant or toddler who will have 24-hour supervision and are good in an outdoor/party setting you can bring them along (there is no charge for baby camping).

DOGS/PETS. Camp Loma has a no-pet policy, and as chill as some of your pups are, they’re not allowed at Excitebike…sorry.


OK, lots of reading we know, sorry. But hopefully, you’re stoked and you’ll want to register now…please fill out the form for each of the people in your group (reload after submission to bring up a new form).